😞 🙏 God bless Trump that he didn’t get his head exploded. He is just an ordinary guy. He is in over his head.
In 2023 the cold treatment is some job FREE TIME ⌚️ time off, and 1 cough drop candy piece. #ThankJoeBiden
In 2020 the cold treatment was psychotic fake ass WWIII global pandemonium. #ThankTheApprentice #YoureFired #KnowYourMeme #BackwardsPizzaBillionaireFromSNL #RonaldFrumpParodyFrom1960s #MAGA
I am registered to Vote Lancaster County Nebraska, a third party “Centralist” 🧸 I am much like US 26th President Teddy Roosevelt 1901-1909, the President after 25 McKinely !!
I have no current Lancaster address here tho “Proudly Traveling The World”. (I’m good at budgeting hotels)
My Permanent Address is my childhood home Family Farm, 7 generations American (7th are my nephews), JilG Family Mark JiLG M. Brand Ranch Inc. Farmland Owners Tom and Dan JiLG, my 2 brothers, 5 nephews, AND both brothers are happily independent and married. I’m a “solo” hermit, with many pen-pals and SMS eMail skills, and my traveling household will NOT be for roommates, and I like it that way!!
⭐️🇺🇸 Kamala Harris 🧸 2024 🐻🐻 Breath of Fresh Air! 🇺🇸 ⭐️ The UTF-8 USA Flag Emoji shows on my “home” devices. ⭐️🇺🇸
And: I suppose Pro Trump winning, would ruling that US People will rather value “Human Lives” over 1 super misinterpreted (deleted) Viral-Phone-𝕏-Tweet Screenshot MEME popularity of a 1 super distressed Type-O (Err) where that Contents’ own Creator, who was wrongfully made rights powerless to explain to the unseen mass sharing by the incognizant relentlessly hateful meme trolls. #Election2024
a visit home 🇺🇸
Power to the people, and the president wields no power anyways. An executive branch office delivers speeches and signs the L’documènts el JOHN HANCOCK!
We need a kind leader to bring our many farmer boys home from overseas (myself included) so we can stop importing goods from out of state. It’s that simple.
I will never disown my 7 generations American, JiLG family farm Mark JiLG M Brand Cattle Ranch Inc. Thomas JiLG and Dan JiLG, or else lame liar(s) will own it.
Possibly only 4 more years of COVID-19 masks for one stinky Egyptian squalor meme named Kek 🐸 whateva…
I will gracefully murder the cuck(s) of my wife and be redeemed in Christ. JOHN 8:12 and Johnny 9:11 remain columns and rows Latin numerology modulo (50 stars) comes marching home!